2025 BTHA Monthly
Board Meeting Schedule
In 2025 the BTHA Board of Directors will continue its practice of holding most Board meetings on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The exceptions to the foregoing are the months of January and September when the BTHA Board will meet on the second Monday of the month on account of the New Year’s and Labor Day holiday weekends. Those dates are January 13 and September 8. BTHA Board meetings will continue to be via Zoom until further notice.
Next Monthly BTHA Board Meeting
Monday, Apr. 14, 2025 / 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Zoom Video Link:
Meeting ID:
Eleven positions are open for the 2025 Board of Directors of Balboa Terrace;
12 candidates have been nominated.
Please see Pre-Ballot Statement for more details and review statements provided by the candidates below.
Balboa Terrace Homes Association Election Rules
On July 1, 2024, the Board adopted standards for a reduced quorum for the election of the Board of Directors in accordance with Assembly Bill 1458, which was signed into law and became effective on January 1, 2024. AB 1458 amends Civil Code Section 5115 of the Davis-Stirling Act and Section 7512 of the Government Code. The new provision was voted on and approved at the August 5, 2024 Board of Directors meeting. This change is in addition to the adoption of standards for the election of directors by acclamation in uncontested elections in accordance with Assembly Bill 502 adopted by the California Legislature on October 2, 2021; the Board adopted these standards on August 1, 2022, and the new provision for election by acclamation was approved at the September 12, 2022, Board of Directors meeting.
Balboa Terrace Homes Association CC&Rs and Bylaws Update Project
At long last, the second drafts of revised CC&Rs and Bylaws have been completed and they are posted below for your review. We will discuss the revised CC&Rs and Bylaws at our Annual Meeting on March 11 and we will entertain questions and comments from homeowners. We also hope to schedule block meetings in the next few months before voting on the draft documents sometime later this year.
The BTHA Board of Directors
Summary of Governing Doc Changes
A Quick Overview
The table below describes the proposed significant changes to the existing CC&Rs and Bylaws. Please do not rely solely on this Table - make your own independent review of the existing CC&Rs and Bylaws as compared to the proposed Restatements before you vote on the proposed changes. Copies of the existing CC&Rs and Bylaws can be requested from BAPS Management or viewed on the Homeowner Info page here.
Please provide your contact information so that we may effectively
communicate important information more quickly.
(This information will only be used for official Balboa Terrace Homes Association communications.)