Chronological Public Notices for
Balboa Terrace Homes Association
CC&Rs and Bylaws Project



RE: Proposed CC&Rs and Bylaws
Important Message From the BTHA Board President


February 2023
Dear BTHA Homeowners:

After a long and arduous process (I will spare you the details), we have clean drafts of updated Covenants Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Association Bylaws. They can be accessed below. Our existing Governing Documents are horribly outmoded and do not comply with existing law governing HOAs such as the Balboa Terrace Homes Association. Before we put these Governing Documents to a vote for your approval, we are asking you to review these documents and to provide your comments and suggestions.

These draft documents will be the main topic of discussion at our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 14. We would appreciate receiving your written comments in advance of the Annual Meeting – this will make the Annual Meeting more productive. 

Thereafter we will be holding small group meetings on each street and block to explain and discuss these draft documents. Sometime in the middle of 2023 we will be conducting a formal election to vote upon these draft documents.

If you do have comments, please send them to us at

This is your neighborhood and your community, so please attend to this important item.

Thank you,
Richard Hill
BTHA Board President

PLEASE NOTE: The color-coded COMPARISON TABLE linked below describes the significant changes to the existing CC&Rs and Bylaws, and identifies changes required or controlled by statute.

Town Hall Zoom Meeting Response

On Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 a Town Hall meeting was held via Zoom with the HOA attorney who drafted our proposed new governing documents (CC&Rs and Bylaws). The goal was to allow her to make a brief presentation on the reason behind the updates and key provisions of the proposed new governing documents. Approximately 40 callers (some of whom were representing absent homeowners) were in attendance and were invited to ask questions or make comments, many of which were captured in “chats.” A full transcript of the chats is posted here. The entire meeting which lasted some 90 minutes was also recorded; you may access the recording here. (Passcode: LAx!0Y0H )

Please find responses to Town Hall chat questions below.

** UPDATE - 3.11.23 **

Neighbors, as a result of your comments at the February 22 Town Hall meeting, we have made a number of changes to the draft CC&Rs and draft Bylaws. The attached documents below show the changes in track change format.

In addition, our HOA attorney has drafted the attached summary of those changes, along with a few FAQs to answer some of your most important questions.

This is an ongoing dialogue between the Board and the Balboa Terrace homeowners. We will continue to listen to your comments and revise the draft CC&Rs and Bylaws until we believe we have a new set of Governing Documents that will be acceptable to the overwhelming majority of our community.